Life would not have ended so early but for pneumonia, which destroyed the weakened body and became fatal in the fate of Volodymyr Femelidi - Ukrainian composer and conductor.✨
There were Greeks in his family, and Odesa became his hometown. Not surprisingly, the boy's fate was like a stormy sea and waves swaying from side to side. His mother was a musician, his father was a writer - the parents passed on their son the love for art, developing his skills and personality. Perhaps that is why Volodymyr did not immediately understand his mission in life and chose the profession of a historian. It took three years to understand: "Being a musician is what I'm called for!" He left his first place of study and entered the Institute of Music and Drama in two faculties at once - composition and conducting, which he successfully completed.
There was a storm in the composer's life. In the wake of his success as a composer, after the premiere of the ballet "Carmagnola", Volodymyr Femelidi got involved in work so actively that he stopped caring about his health. He was already sick when on the way to a concert where he was to conduct his Carmagnola, he was caught in cold rain - thus this storm drowned him.
The composer`s short but prolific life replenished the Ukrainian cultural fund with 17 completed and 2 sketches of works, including sonatas, romances, symphonies, operas, and ballet.
Small bio by Maksym Lunin
Portret of Femelidi by Hlib Rahmanin
Translation and inspiration by Taras Demko
There were Greeks in his family, and Odesa became his hometown. Not surprisingly, the boy's fate was like a stormy sea and waves swaying from side to side. His mother was a musician, his father was a writer - the parents passed on their son the love for art, developing his skills and personality. Perhaps that is why Volodymyr did not immediately understand his mission in life and chose the profession of a historian. It took three years to understand: "Being a musician is what I'm called for!" He left his first place of study and entered the Institute of Music and Drama in two faculties at once - composition and conducting, which he successfully completed.
There was a storm in the composer's life. In the wake of his success as a composer, after the premiere of the ballet "Carmagnola", Volodymyr Femelidi got involved in work so actively that he stopped caring about his health. He was already sick when on the way to a concert where he was to conduct his Carmagnola, he was caught in cold rain - thus this storm drowned him.
The composer`s short but prolific life replenished the Ukrainian cultural fund with 17 completed and 2 sketches of works, including sonatas, romances, symphonies, operas, and ballet.
Small bio by Maksym Lunin
Portret of Femelidi by Hlib Rahmanin
Translation and inspiration by Taras Demko